Curriculim Vitae


David Reavis, CCP, Ph.D.

Professor of Management Information Systems and Management

Chair, Department of Computer Science, MIS, and Math

Texas A&M University – Texarkana

7101 University Dr

Texarkana, TX 75503

ORCHID Profile

Google Scholar Profile




2006 – Nova Southeastern University

Doctor of Philosophy in Information Systems

Dissertation Topic – Electronic Mail Retention Policies in Mid-sized Manufacturing Companies in the United States


1995 – Texas A&M University-Texarkana

Master of Business Administration


1987 – Southern Arkansas University

Bachelor of Business Administration – Major in Computer Information Systems


1980 – Texas High School, Texarkana Texas

High School Diploma


Employment History

2001 - Present - Texas A&M University-Texarkana

9/1/2001-8/31/2006 – Instructor of Management Information Systems

9/1/2007-8/31/2011 – Assistant Professor of Management Information Systems

9/1/2007 Tenured

9/1/2012-8/31/2017 – Associate Professor of Management Information Systems and Management

9/1/2017 – 12/31-2021 – Professsor of Management Information Systems and Management, Associate Dean, CBET

1/1/2022 – Present – Professsor of Management Information Systems and Management, Chair of the Department of Computer Science, MIS, and Math, CBET


Courses taught include:

à     MIS 360 Essentials of MIS

à     MIS 362 Systems Analysis and Design

à     MIS/CS 367 Software Engineering (QM Certified 2019)

à     MIS 472 Local Area Network Management

à     MIS 473 Internetworking LANs

à     MIS 350 Enterprise Operations Management

à     MIS 315 Network Security and Risk Management

à     MIS 305 Electronic Commerce

à     MIS 308 Project Management

à     MIS 345 Management of Telecommunications

à     MGT 465 Production and Operations Management

à     MIS 528 Emerging Technologies in MIS

à     MIS 552 Information Systems Management

à     MGT 510 Leadership in Management (QM Certified 2016)

à     BUSI 2301 Business Law

à     BCIS 1305 Business Computer Applications

à     BUSI 1301 Introduction to Business

à     MGT 330 Logistics Management

à     GBUS 301 Strategic Planning

à     BUSI 2106 Time Management and Effective Decision Making

à     GBUS 440 International Business

à     MIS/CS 361 Database Systems and Design

à     MGT 366 Topics in Organizational Leadership

à     CS 472 Digital Forensics, Law and Ethics


I have taught about 50% of these courses in an online format with the remaining courses in a traditional face-to-face format. I have also completed the Quality Matters course titled Applying the QM Rubric (APPQMR).


January - July 2017 Interim Dean of the College of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (CSTEM)

As Interim Dean I was responsible for fulfilling the normal duties of the Dean including supervising faculty and staff, making sure that class offerings and schedules met the needs of students, faculty, and the college, and facilitating articulation agreements with several junior colleges. During the semester, I worked with other college Deans and the Provost to evaluate the viability and need for the CSTEM college. After determining that the college would be discontinued and the programs would be shifted to the two remaining colleges, I assisted in the process of closing the college before returning to my role of Professor in the newly created College of Business, Engineering, and Technology.


August - December 2016 Interim Dean of the College of Business

As Interim Dean I was responsible for continuing efforts to prepare for the initial AACSB accreditation visit and fulfill the normal duties of the Dean including supervising faculty and staff, making sure that class offerings and schedules met the needs of students, faculty, and the college, and facilitating articulation agreements with several junior colleges.


January - July 2014 Interim Dean of the College of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (CSTEM)

As Interim Dean I was responsible for developing the 2014-5 budget for the College, conducting faculty and staff performance evaluations, developing the fall teaching schedule, and attending to the regular administrative tasks of the College. I was successful in beginning searches for and filling 3 faculty and 2 staff positions. In preparation for the incoming Dean, I identified 15 external partnerships and designated a contact person and contact schedule for each partner.


2008 – 2012 Director of the Texarkana Market Analysis Project (TMAP)

TMAP was formed to facilitate interaction between the College of Business and community partners. As Director my duties included developing budgets, economic analysis of the Texarkana area, real estate analysis, economic impact analysis, fundraising, and event planning for the annual economic forecast conference. I regularly interfaced with our community partners to establish budget priorities, collect data, solicit funding, and inform our partners of the activities in the College of Business.


January – May 2012 Interim Assistant Vice-President of Institutional Effectiveness

During the spring 2012 semester I was responsible for coordinating the Southern Association of Coleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACS) 5th Year Compliance Certification Report. The report consisted of 23 sections, including the status of the QEP initiative. I was responsible for authoring 5 of the sections, editing all of the sections, coordinating with an external consultant, and compiling the report for submission. The process was completed on a compressed timeline, and resulted in a positive response from SACS with only a few minor requests for additional information.


September 2011 – December 2017 Liaison to Red River Army Depot for Certificate Programs

I was responsible for coordinating Certificate Programs at Red River Army Depot (RRAD) in Leadership and in Logistics from September 2011 to December 2017. My duties included recruiting students, assisting in the admissions process, working with the bookstore and business office to facilitate materials and payments, teaching in both programs, drafting Memoranda of Understanding documents, and assisting with needs assessments and program evaluations after each cohort completed.


1991 - 2001 Alcoa Mill Products, Inc., Texarkana, TX

Senior Systems Developer


1987 - 1991 Commercial Technology, Texarkana, TX

Manager of Customer Support


1984 - 1987 Cooper Tire and Rubber Company, Texarkana, AR

Extruder Technician


1981-1984 Red River Army Depot, Texarkana, TX

Material Expeditor



Reavis, D. (2021). Recruiting Faculty for Esports Programs in Academia. In S. Andrews, & C. Crawford (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Pathways and Opportunities into the Business of Esports (pp. 179-199). IGI Global.


Reavis, M., Reavis, D. (Spring, 2020) The Impacts of a Voter Approved Minimum Wage Increase in Arkansas, Journal of Business, Economics and Technology. 23(1).


Morsy, M., Irizarry, K., Rauf, F., Reavis, D. (May-June, 2020) Charting New Waters: Curriculum Improvement in the Light of Applicable ABET-EAC Criteria Beginning in the 2019-2020 Cycle, International Journal of Engineering Education. 36(3).


Reavis, D. (2019) Creating a Request for Proposal for Software for a Non-Profit Organization, Journal of Information Systems Education, 30(2).



Reavis, D. (2015) A Comparison of Functionality between Mobile Apps and Browser-based Applications, Review of Business Information Systems. 19(1)


Parsons, R. & Reavis, D. (2015) GDP estimation errors: bias or white noise, Applied Economics Letters incorporating Applied Financial Economics Letters 22(14)


Reavis, D. (2013). The Information Technology Audit, In T. Tsiakis (Ed.), Approaches and Processes for Managing the Economics of Information Systems, IGI Global.


Reavis, D. (2012). The Migration of Information to Cloud Computing Platform. International Journal of Management & Information Systems (IJMIS). 16(4)


Mohundro, C., McDonald, C., & Reavis, D. (2010) A Comparison of Team Performances Using Four Scenarios of Feedback. International Journal of Management & Information Systems (IJMIS). 14(1), 19-28.


Reavis, D. & Bashaw, R. E. (2009, Summer). Real Estate Market Analysis in a Multi-state Metropolitan Statistical Area. International Journal of Business and Public Administration (IJBPA). 6(2).


Reavis, D. (2008). How Technically Savvy Is Your Legal Counsel? Journal of International Commercial Law and Technology (JICLT). 3(4), 274-279.


Reavis, D. (2007). Backup and Recovery System Requirements, In H. Bidgoli (Ed.), The Handbook of Computer Networks, Volume III, Part 2, Chapter 187, John Wiley & Sons.


Reavis, D. (2007). Evaluating Storage Media Requirements, In H. Bidgoli (Ed.), The Handbook of Computer Networks, Volume III, Part 2, Chapter 189, John Wiley & Sons.


Reavis, D. (2002, September-October). Book review of Making the Information Society by James W. Cortada.  Journal of Government Information, An International Review of Policy, Issues and Resources 29(5).




Reavis, M. & Reavis, D. (November 7-8, 2019) The Impacts Of A Voter Approved Minimum Wage Increase in Arkansas, National Association of Business, Economics, and Technology (NABET), State College, PA.


Reavis, D. (2012). Migrating Information to a Cloud Computing Infrastructure. Fourth Annual General Business Conference Proceedings, ISSN 2153-9367, Volume III, Huntsville, TX.


Reavis, D. (2011). Information Evaporation: The Migration of Computing to the Cloud. Spring Conference of the International Academy of Business and Public Administration Disciplines (IABPAD), Dallas, TX.

Reavis, D. & Bashaw, R. E. (2009). Real Estate Market Analysis in a Multi-state Metropolitan Statistical Area. Spring Conference of the International Academy of Business and Public Administration Disciplines (IABPAD), Dallas, TX.

 Reavis, D. & Mohundro, C. (2009). How Internet Access Speed Affects Student Perceptions of Quality. Annual Conference of the Texas Distance Learning Association, Corpus Christi, TX.

 Reavis, D., Mohundro, C., & McDonald, C. (2009). Using Semi-automated Feedback to Improve Web-based Student Performance. Annual Conference of the Texas Distance Learning Association, Corpus Christi, TX.

Reavis, D., & Mohundro, C. (2007). Strategies for effective use of email in Web-based Courses. Texas Distance Learning Association, Galveson, TX.

Reavis, D., & Mohundro, C. (2007). Choosing the Optimal Streaming Media for Web-based Instructional Components, The Society for Applied Learning Technology, Orlando, FL.

Reavis, D., & Mohundro, C. (2007). Strategies for Implementing a Student Portfolio in Web-based Courses, Texas Distance Learning Association, Galveson, TX.

Reavis, D., & Mohundro, C. (2006). Strategies for adding audio and video to Web courses, The 27th Annual Meeting of the SW/TX PCA/ACA in Albuquerque, NM.

Panel Discussion on The Effectiveness of Web Based Course Design Tools and the Non-Traditional Student, 2006, The 27th Annual Meeting of the SW/TX PCA/ACA in Albuquerque, New Mexico, with Charles Mohundro, Joan Brumm, and Charles McDonald.

Reavis, D. (2002, Fall). Electronic Commerce Business Models. COMMON, Denver, CO.

Reavis, D. (2002, Fall). Navigating Linux. COMMON, Denver, CO.



Certified Computing Professional (CCP) in 1998 from the Institute for Certification of Computing Professionals.  Certificate number 950524.


Community Service

American Red Cross, Texarkana Area Chapter

Board of Directors of the Texarkana Area Chapter of the Americn Red Cross from 2009 to 2011.

Member of the Finance / Budget Committee for the American Red Cross, Texarkana Chapter, 2009.


ICCPEF Board Member

Served as a board member of the Institute for Certification of Computer Professionals Education Foundation from 2001 to 2004.


Leadership Texarkana

Leadership Texarkana Board of Directors 2008-2022, served as Chairman for the 2013-2014 and 2021-2022 fiscal years.


Texarkana Indepentant School District

Participated in the 2008-2009 Texas High School Avid Mentor Program.


University Service


Member of the Joint Library Committee, 2004-2005

Member of the Search Committee for an Assistant Professor of Information Technology, 2002

Member of the University Risk Assessment Committee, 2002

Served on the Ad-Hoc committee to develop a computer use and email use policy for TAMU-T, 2003.

Member of the Search Committee for a Dean for the College of Business, 2005-2006.

Member of the Search Committee for Truman and Anita Arnold Chair, 2005-2006.

Member of the Search Committee for two candidates for Assistant Professor in Computer Science, 2005-2006.

Member of the Tuition Review Committee, 2007.

Member of the Undergraduate Curriculum review Committee for the College of Business, 2007.

Faculty Senate Representative for the College of Business, 2007, 2008, and 2009.

Member of the State Employee Benefits Advisory Committee Election Committee, 2007

Member of the Faculty Status Committee, a sub-committee of the representative faculty senate, 2008.

Chair of the Information Content Committee, a sub-committee of the GoMobile Committee, 2008.

Member of the GoMobile Committee, 2008.

Chair of the 2008 Tuition Advisory Committee.

Member of the Outstanding Administrator Selection Committee, 2008.

Participation in the Texas A&M-Texarkana student mentors program, 2008.

Representative to the A&M System Distance Education Committee, 2008 through 2011.

Member of the search committee for Adult Education Associate Professor, 2009.

Chair of the search committee for the Associate Vice President for Information Technology, CIO, 2009.

Served on the University Furnishings Evaluation Committee, 2009.

Served on the Community College Transfer Team, a sub-committee of the Enrollment Management Team, 2009.

Served on the COB Program Assessment Committee for the MSBA program (AACSB), 2009.

Served as a member of the Committee to Assess Student Mastery of Course Objectives (AACSB), 2010.

Chair of the search committee for the Assistant Vice President of Information Technology and Chief Information Officer, 2010.

Served on the TAMUT Web-based course standards development committee, developing standards for courses taught online for the University, 2011.

Member of the Committee to Develop an Adjunct Faculty Evaluation instrument and process, 2011.

Member of the Faculty group responsible for a Pilot implementation of Blackboard 9.1. This group was the first to be trained and use the new version of Blackboard and we identified bugs/issues in the software, 2011.

Member of the University Website Review and Development Council, 2011.

Served as the Chair of the Committee to Revise the Core Curriculum for the 2012-2013 academic year.

JOLB (2007-2008) In addition to the above committees, I worked to develop the online Journal of Organizational Leadership and Business. This journal was designed to showcase excellent student work, provide a publishing outlet for peer reviewed scholarly papers, and heighten the profile of the college by including invited papers from community leaders. I was the founding Editor and served in that capacity until being reassigned to the responsibility of Director for TMAP in 2008.

Program Coordinator for MIS and Computer Science from 2017 to 2021.

Chair of the Assurance of Learning committee for the college from 2015 to May, 2022.