Messages to 7
of Revelation
The church
A name or
description of
Rebuke and
A promise as an
incentive for
faithful obedience
Rev 3:1-6 Asleep / Awake
Dead / Alive
Purity / Walking Worthy
Christ’s Return
Sardis had formerly been the
capital of the ancient kingdom of
Lydia. It was famous for its military
history, jewelry, dye, and textiles.
Due to its situation on a steep hill,
many people thought the city was
impregnable. However Cyrus the
Persian captured it like a thief in the
night by following a secret path up
a cliff.
Rev 3:1a
To the angel of the
church in Sardis
Rev 3:1b
He who has the
seven Spirits of
God and the
seven stars, says
this: ‘I know your
Seven Spirits -
Seven Stars -
Jesus knew what they were doing.
Jesus also knows what you and I are doing.
How does Jesus knowledge of our actions and
thoughts influence us?
Rev 3:1b
You have a name
that you are alive,
but you are dead.
The Lord gave less praise to this church
than to any of the churches except
Laodicea, which received none.
The only good thing that He said to these
Christians was that they had a good
reputation, evidently among the other
However they were really a dead church,
and their good works were not as
impressive as they should have been. Only
a few of their number were faithful to the
Lord (v. 4).
Rev 3:1b
You have a name
that you are alive,
but you are dead.
It is good to have a good reputation.
Sometimes a good reputation can live
on past the qualities that earned the
Think about a church that has been
reduced to an almost empty building.
What happened?
Rev 3:1b
You are dead.
What are the signs of a dead or
dying church?
Is it possible for a church to be
dead, but full of members
doing stuff?
Rev 3:2-3
Exhortation Wake up!
Strengthen what remains
Remember what you received and
heard –Keep it
Bringing a
dead church
back to life
Rev 3:2-3
Wake up!
Strengthen what remains
Remember what you received and heard –Keep it
Bringing a
dead church
back to life
What are some ways that believers typically
respond when they see that their local church body
is in danger of dying?
Who loses their zeal for Christ first –the church or
individuals in the church?
How can we avoid getting in the situation where
our church is dying?
Rev 3:4
But you have a few people in
Sardis who have not soiled
their garments; and they will
walk with Me in white, for
they are worthy.
White garments,
symbolic of
one's works are
pure and free of
Faithful Asleep
How can just a few faithful church
members help bring a troubled church
back to life?
He who overcomes will thus be clothed in white garments;
and I will not erase his name from the book of life, and I will
confess his name before My Father and before His angels.
Salvation and eternity with the Lord!
Ephesians 4:1 -Therefore I, the prisoner of the
Lord, implore you to walk in a manner worthy of
the calling with which you have been called…
Messages to 7
of Revelation